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School Policies

School Closing Procedures
Safety is a top priority at Lehman Christian Preschool. School closing and early dismissal will occur when we feel driving conditions are hazardous. To find out if school will be closed for the day, you may either check the preschool website at lehmanchristianpreschool.org or call the school at 215-675-5020 after 7:30 a.m. We also encourage you to join our Facebook group – Families Of Lehman Christian Preschool – for news and important updates.
We do not have two-hour delays! Any class that misses more than three days of school will have make-up days offered during Easter Break or at the end of the school year.
Emergency Preparedness
The preschool will conduct fire drills so the children are familiar with the procedure to follow in the event of an emergency. In the event of a local, state or national emergency where we have been instructed to 'lock-down' the preschool, the staff has been trained to secure the children and classrooms as per the instructions mandated by Lehman Memorial United Methodist Church and coordinated with the police and fire departments of Hatboro.
Please notify the school if your child has been exposed to a contagious disease such as chicken pox, mumps, measles, etc. Parents will be notified if children are exposed to such in school.
Please send healthy children to school as coughs, colds and runny noses are easily spread in the preschool environment. A child must be free of fever, vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
The curriculum is developed to provide a comfortable Christian environment in which children can explore, experience, create and learn under the guidance of teachers skilled and experienced in understanding the growth of the preschool child. Learning will be fun – no stress, no pressure. All children want to learn and can grasp complex processes if they are introduced in a lively and stimulating environment.
Our program provides for wider and varied experiences that broaden children's horizons, enrich their concepts, and develop their skills. Opportunities are planned so that each child can learn at his or her own pace to assume responsibility for individual actions, to respect others, to share, to use materials wisely, to practice honesty, and to develop moral and spiritual values.
Our classroom contains clearly defined areas of interest that are called Learning Centers. Our curriculum includes –
Spiritual Development
Free Play
Art Center
Language Arts
Health & Safety
Gross Motor Skills